Pad Folios

Pukka Pads Bloom A4 Pad Folio with Fastener
PUK9580BLM - Pukka Pads Bloom A4 Pad Folio with Fastener - 210" x 297" - Clip Fastener - Blue
$ 19.82
(18 - 18)
Hilroy Executive 1" Double Booster Round Ring Binder
HLR29444 - Hilroy Executive 1" Double Booster Round Ring Binder - 1" Binder Capacity - 3 x Ring Fastener(s) - 2 Pocket(s) - No - Pen Loop, Card Holder - 1 Each
$ 67.65
(3 - 3)
bugatti Letter Pad Folio
BUG829868 - bugatti Letter Pad Folio - 8 1/2" x 11" - Leather - Black
$ 59.99
(14 - 14)

